Targets & Objectives

From Learning to Action

During and/or further to the course, you or the team members you send on this premium executive/leadership program, are encouraged to build a list of targets and objectives. They should:-

  • Develop an e-commerce plan, take responsibility, or contribute to your organisation's e-commerce initiative
  • Identify, understand or manage e-commerce risks or ensure that e-risks are identified and managed in the organisation
  • Assess or understand team and supplier responsiblities for implementing e-commerce, digital marketing, online content and customer experience
  • Lead or contribute to online store structure, product categorisation and merchandising needs
  • Identify and select or help to select the right choice of suppliers
  • Identify current e-commerce activities needing improvement or change
  • Based on the introductory digital marketing lessons, identify e-marketing activities needing improvement or change

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